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Thursday, March 22, 2012

are we crazy?

nod your head yes.

we bought a house.
a very, very, very dirty house.
a house that was once loved.
a family with 4 teenagers kind of love.
but needed some "new" love.

we love our new house.
there's no more dirt.
well, not other people's 4 teenager's dirt.
just our dirt.

we have done so much to this house over 18 months.
we will never be done.
there are things that NEED to be done, but they are so far down on the list....who knows.
like the discolored, dusty exhaust fan in the master bathroom.
its just our dust and no one sees it but us, so bump it to the bottom of the list.
would take 5 minutes to change it, but.....nah.

i have so many ideas swirling around my head.
so much to change.
so much to buy.
so much to spray paint.
i love spray paint.
am i the only one who gets asked for my id when they buy spray paint?
maybe its because i buy SO much spray paint???

anywho, tag along as we make this home OUR home, with OUR dirt :)